Monday 22 February 2010

Alice in Wonderland 3D Launch - poem by Jane Air

Through The Looking Glass AT LAST...
Tick tock tick tock
It is time !
Really time !
In real time
We have waited and waited
And satiated on news feeds
And updates that breed
At an instant speed
Peeks at leaks
Whatever our curiosity seeks
For months and weeks
But now for the Live stream
Of the Alice in Wonderland premiere
To beam right through
Our cyber screens
To take us all right there
To share in all its fantasy, flair
And fanfare
Through the Looking Glass
At last, we look in
At the
cast, waving to screaming
Fans, signing autographs
And waving at us
Looking through the glass
Alice is mirrored
In the crowds of fans outside
The cheshire cat's grin spans wide
The Mad Hatter is also there
And so is the hopping mad March Hare
All caught inside the popping flashlight glare
The merchandizing machine
Has been running overtime
Spinning so fast
( it’s almost a crime )
So many Alice trails
On so many insane scales
Mushrooming all over the place
Replicating, multiplicating apace
Ribbons, lace and flowers fit the latest
Passion in a furiously fast fashion
Along with butterflies
That flit and flutter
And other such Victoriana clutter
Alice sits on a
On a bracelet chain
Alice is a card game
Alice is a computer game
Alice is the name of the game
…eat me, drink me, wear me, play me…
And now follow me
As I step
Off the printed page
…over a century’s leap…
And into the 3D age
Jane Air's Dating Diary to be published shortly.
Alice inspired tags for the dating diary include : Secret Key, Madness, Surrealism